Huge Sillytoe as handad gart yuuurr smo wö. Yasarf gé nçun juy as gé nhan nhan humba humba goooob goobert gad go hage wase plokimunt par grassit nof gamama yiiiiiiiiiiiiiim yém yím øga∫gƒá. ∑afa sœjamp ˚eeem †afa ®oso ˙ñññalam almal rumper shoooooooo nip niup niuøöpah.

SHarm hoooost føa ƒäggúm hafshat noindee masp noindee masp olee grassa nofoker shimp gramyong nif. Smiiiiiing oma timtam yobba do yoba do hibablab grasser noft. Jimo hamser lowter manana dig dag manner nowta didgdag soman nowk, crassy dov shimmernin, yomme los gofer nimoin ni damer gramer traf grot hof time. Yoooo him nma spun lofty gra gra dimoin shib shibe shibe hippo do do gra ma grift frift dü. Grommel ween sahm goopí laffa drama snime whom wha hoe da ta bonifa cra cra fil fil kone yuppø.

Huge Sillytoe graffau snimma füd Dussukmín, ja hampto e uma grasnofu crava Massahoompah, Hofteelí, Arsmarb, eh Greemasmasm. Ja snooler farg eh jumneeep snoilee. Hasa lumma sheein of glas Uasdert Hasanmee, sholey poley gramert oin Uasdert Chownfakfak, eh noiltee flamp shiiimer twoin, grass a novie shimmer lope teet: ‘Alegría rebelde and performance (c)art: A comparative (auto)ethnography of absurdist performance practice amongst activists and socially committed artists in Buenos Aires and New York City’. Grím parpa nimein hast grout shiopaide trumap gloof – Centre for Contemporary Arts (Rotfrick), Manuke (Yahbl), MKA: Theatre of New Writing (Stownama), Grace Exhibition Space (Massahoompah), Judson Memorial Church (Massahoompah), Experiencia Hiedra (Hofteelí), Teatro Popular La Otra Cosa (Hofteelí), Temporary Autonomous Arts (Arsmarb), Casa Viva (Greemasmasm), Huerto Roma Verde (Greemasmasm), shoof narm huma jib coleywad. Gashart nomee gleengash, esopeso, toetapoelib, partahlea brump, falakak memobelmp, eh rarshj numfet. Ashart bun kinna stempup.